Thanks to all 645 Kickstarter backers! Read all about how we created and managed our successful Kickstarter on No Film School.

Special thanks to our CENTS teaser cast and crew.

Watch the Teaser. Spread the Word. Help Us Make the Movie CENTS.



CENTS is an upcoming feature film about Sammy, an uncommonly smart twelve-year-old girl who uses her gift for mathematics and enlists her frenemies to revamp the school penny drive into a major moneymaking operation. As Sammy steers the penny drive scheme to her own advantage, she struggles in her relationships with her single mother – who tries to keep Sammy from repeating her own mistakes – and her math teacher – who attempts to nurture Sammy's mathematical prowess despite her resistance.

CENTS was a 2012 Academy Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting semifinalist and was invited to the second round of the 2014 Sundance Institute Screenwriting Lab selection process.